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Snap-On Smile

Snap-On smile a new dental revolution – now offered @ DENE DENTAL PRACTICE

Imperfect smile? Crowded or missing teeth? Uneven or crooked teeth? Stains or cracks in teeth? Lost tooth height? We have a solution…

For a stunning new smile without pain… Just Snap-On! 

There is no shortage of people within a society who seek an improvement in their smile. The reasons and desires could range from crowded teeth, gaps between the teeth, colour of the teeth to missing teeth. Not everybody wants to undergo extensive dental treatment by means of drilling crowns veneers implants etc.

This does not mean to say that they would not wish for a solution to their imperfect smile.

Would it not be wonderful if somebody could give you a trial smile without any injections or drilling? Imagine if you could transform your imperfect or missing teeth into a stunning, natural-looking smile by literally and simply snapping your new smile in place—without a single prick of a needle, without a drill ever coming in contact with your teeth, without a touch of adhesive, and without a hint of pain!

A new smile that takes seconds to go from the old smile and if not desired you merely remove the new smile to go back to the old.

That is exactly what the new technology from the United States have allowed us to do. At Dene Dental Practice, as part of our strive to keep up-to-date with the recent and innovative techniques in dental treatment, we are offering an exciting solution for smile improvement that allows us to give you just that. It’s Snap-On Smile®—the incredible, non-invasive smile makeover solution that’s finally within your reach!

As the name suggests, Snap-On Smile snaps right over your natural teeth, even if you have missing teeth. It’s held securely in place by your existing teeth for a look and feel that is very natural.

The benefits of Snap-On Smile include:

  • Affordable, non-invasive
  • No shots, no drilling – no pain!
  • Completely new smile in about two weeks
  • Custom-made to securely fit your smile
  • Totally reversible—your natural teeth remain unchanged
  • No adhesives—you can remove it at any time
  • It looks and feels natural
  • You can even eat with it!

‘Snap on Smile’ is the latest and new way of improving your smile. Snap on smile is a lightweight, very durable, very thin computer generated smile that you literally snap onto your old smile. It stays secure and allows you to speak, eat, drink and do all the normal things that you would do with your smile. Yet it can be removed to maintain your oral hygiene for brushing etc.

Currently we are proud to inform that we are the only practice in Northwood providing this service.

Call us on 01923 824 230 to setup a complimentary consultation for your Snap-On Smile.

See the BEFORE – AFTER effects below:

before-1       after-1

before-2     after-2

So how does it work?

A prerequisite to being able to have an assessment for ‘Snap on Smile’ is a healthy mouth. That includes no existing disease in terms of cavities or dental gum disease. It is important to have these things corrected before you can have a ‘Snap on Smile’.